Servant Leader Background Check Authorization Form
In order to provide a secure environment for those to whom we provide services, our staff and volunteers, and our community, OASIS CHURCH, by and through its agents and representatives, routinely procures background investigations on those who serve or minister (in any and all capacities) on the Church’s behalf.
Please understand that this policy helps us ensure that our services are delivered in a professional and safe manner. This may include procurement of a consumer report (as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act) from MinistrySafe, LLC (dba Abuse Prevention Systems), a Consumer Reporting Agency.
By signing below, you grant permission to OASIS CHURCH, by and through its agents and representatives, to obtain such a report now or at any point in the future in connection with your volunteer position. You also grant permission to all parties to release information regarding your character, previous or current military service, or criminal or civil litigation matters to OASIS CHURCH, by and through its agents and representatives, or to MinistrySafe, LLC (dba Abuse Prevention Systems), including information that may be deemed negative.
By submitting this authorization form, you are agreeing to allow Oasis Church and its staff to run a background check on you.