Oasis Kids


In Oasis Kids Church, we don’t believe that there is any such thing as a “junior” Holy Spirit. Jesus taught that to truly enter into the Kingdom of God we needed to become childlike ourselves. Children have a remarkable ability to execute pure faith and see astounding results.

Therefore, our goal is to empower this generation to live by faith and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit in their everyday lives. We strive to do this by teaching and training the kids in the truth of God’s Word, in their identity in Christ, complete with a practical hands-on application workshop at the end of each lesson. Kids Church runs concurrently with main service. Oasis Kids doors open at 9:45am, except for the first Sunday of every month because that is our Family Worship Sunday and all the Kids over nursery age stay in during worship to worship alongside their families.

Let the little children come unto me………..for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Matt 19:14
