HouseFires Registration

Thank you for your interest in HouseFires.

HouseFires are “House Churches” within the corporate body of Oasis Church. These gatherings are geared to provide community and nurturing on a more personal level and have designated Shepherds over each group. These leaders are delegated by the senior leadership of Oasis and are committed to caring for those within their HouseFire Group.

These groups will meet once monthly (unless otherwise indicated) but the groups are designed to do “life” together, much like the early church did. Our goal is to ensure that “every joint” is supplied and no one is left out or unattended to.

The HouseFires will not take the place of the corporate gathering and you are encouraged to consider the time commitment before registering.

Please fill out the HouseFires Registration Form below and select your preferred location(s). Your Leaders will be in touch soon with further information on the next meeting.

If you have not already done so, please review the presentation made by Pastors Joe and Angela regarding the House Fires vision. You may do so at this link (beginning at 1:10 min. HouseFires Discussion