Morton Pumpkin Festival Parade Details
For those planning to walk with the church family during the parade, here are some details that you will need:
We are float #51. Our “projected” lineup spot is near the intersection of Jefferson and Oklahoma Streets in Morton.
I will send out a text around 9:15 am with the exact spot.
The Parade will end at the Morton Post Office. I recommend trying to find a parking spot between Oklahoma St and the end of the route so you will do less walking to and from your car.
Walkers under 8 must be in a stroller or wagon according to parade rules. All children must be accompanied by a parent. We will not be able to be responsible for keeping up with all our precious little ones.
For those of you who ordered a shirt but who have yet to pick it up, you may do so at the float site.
Parade begins at 10:30 am and lasts about an hour and half, and is a mile and a half long. I’m told our float will start moving around 10:50. We will have cold water but it would be good to bring your own water-filled thermos or Gatorade from home too.
IMPORTANT: Please plan to arrive at the float no later than 9:45am so that we can pray together and have a brief training session regarding the rules governing the parade.
We are so excited! There are 102 Floats, of which there are only 3 churches. Oasis is one of the 3!
We’ve had a great turn out at the booth so far and a lot of friendly folks excited to see us coming to town. God is definitely on the move!
See you in the morning!
If you need further assistance, please message or call 309.645.1044